Frequently Asked Questions
Want additional information about our class? Here is where you will find answers to frequently-asked questions.
Q: Do I have to be a member of Christ Church
Sierra Madre to attend?
A: No. Everybody is invited to attend, even if your home church is
elsewhere. However, if you are a Believer and don't have a home church, we invite you join us for worship in our santuary at our 9 AM service and ask you to consider making Christ Church your home.
Q: Do I have to be a Christian to
A: No. We are eager to have non-believers join us and bring your questions, especially those that might be keeping you or those you know from understanding what it means to be a Believer in Christ. We have had athiests and those from many other faiths attend and appreciate what the class offers.
Q: Do I have to sign up to provide
treats if I can't bake?
A: Everybody who's a regular attender and enjoys the treats should signup to periodically provide treats. Don't know how to cook, no problem! A stop by the local donut shop, deli or pizza place works just fine.
Q: Why is there a can with money next to
the coffee?
A: The class pays for the coffee, so those who drink it should throw
a little money into the can every once in a while.
Q: Where can I buy Dr. Ross's books?
A: The class has a book table, from which RTB materials can be
purchased immediately before and after class.
Q: I appreciate watching the class on streaming video and would like to see it continue, what can I do to support?
A: Definitely letting others know via social media and other
means would be very helpful, but there is a cost of $139/mo that
the class currently pays for the service. If you would like to
contribute to help sustain this service, contributions can be
made to Christ Church Sierra Madre and designated for the
Paradoxes Class -